Dates in country: 22nd April 2011 - 12th May 2011
Currency: Ugandan Schilling
Exchange rate: 3300 - 3900 shilling: 1 GBP
Distance traveled:
Fuel used:
Cost of fuel: (c. c.3000 shilling per litre)
Visa/entry permit:- Visa required for UK citizens - $50 for 60 days
Carnet/Temporary Import Permit: Carnet completed at point of entry.
Third Party Vehicle Insurance: Required. We purchased COMESA insurance in Zambia that covers us in Uganda so price of standalone insurance not known.
Additional Requirements: Foreign Vehicle Licence 45,000 schillings. Apparently only valid for 14 days but couldn't provide anything for longer. Suggested visiting Ugandan Revenue Authority in Kampala to ask what to do... we didn't bother and it wasn't an issue.
Customs: No issues
Roads: Variable tarmac on main roads. Dirt roads can be slippy and steep.
Police Stops: Occasional - no problems