
Dates in country:   26th June 2011 - 6th August 2011

Currency:   Ethiopian Birr (27 to £1)

Distance travelled: Too many kilometres to count!

Fuel used: Too much to count!

Cost of fuel: 17 -19 Birr per litre

Visa/entry permit: At the time we traveled it was only possible to get a visa to enter Ethiopia overland from your home country.  We did this whilst visiting the UK at Christmas obtaining a 6 month visa (after some persuasion).  This expired 12 days after we entered the country and we obtained a 30 day extension whilst we were in Addis.  

Carnet/Temporary import permit: As we entered Ethiopia in South Omo there was no Customs so our carnet was not stamped into the country.  We understand from other travelers coming from the north that even if you have a carnet a TIP is also issued.  We were asked for this at two customs roadblocks en route to Harar and had to talk our way out of it. We tried very hard to find a Customs Department in Addis who would stamp it but to no avail.  We were given a bit of grief at the exit border but nothing too serious.

Third party insurance: Required. We are covered by our Comesa insurance here so amount not known.

Additional requirements: None

Customs: See above.

Roads: Most roads good tar.  The exception being the stretch from Axum to Debark large stretches of which are being rebuilt.  We found deep mud and lost a drive flange.  At one point all traffic - including us - had to be towed up a steep incline by a grader.

Police blocks: Occasional.  No problems.